Paquilla Jones, aka PQ is an engineer, entrepreneur, grad student, artist, Nas lover && most importantly my “adopted” sister & bestfraaand. So let’s be inspired from all her #blackgirlmagic:
Tell us about yourself.
I like long walks on the beach and candle light dinners just kidding. I truly hate this question because how can you sum up 24 years of life and counting into a few sentences. So the most important things about me would be
I am a young black woman from Prichard, Alabama ( I typically tell people I’m from Mobile bc I don’t feel like giving people geography lessons)
I was an only child for 8 years until my little brother came along and ruined that.
I look just like my mother.
Each year of high school I had a major hair transformation whether cut or color.
I pretty much walk to the beat of my own drum.
My native tongue is sarcasm and I have 7 friends that keep me a well rounded.
I graduated from the illustrious Howard University with a BS in civil engineering
and I’m currently trying to make it through a Masters ( it’s a triggering subject for me so I’ll speak positively about it when it’s over lol)
oh yes, my name is Paquilla pronounced phonetically Pa-Quil-La but since we getting to know each other just call me PQ.
2. Did you think this is where you would be at 24?
Well I guess when I was younger, 24 seemed so far away but I’m also not one to plan years ahead. I thought “adulthood” was some seamless process. I would say I’m not completely where I want to be but I’m working on it and I know I’ll be there in due time so I just count the positives: I have a job, a degree, working on another degree, I’m not homeless and I’m not starving every day and I enjoy my life. So yes and no.
3. What is WiresbyPQ ?
It’s a handmade wire jewelry line. It’s also another form of self expression for me and hopefully others too. That’s why the tag line is “creative pieces to reflect the individual in us all”
4. What inspired you to start your own jewelry business?
My friend Ahnna. So one day I made some earrings and I wore them and she asked me where I got them from and I said I made them and she was like girl you should make jewelry and sell it. I thought about it and I was like ok I’ll try it. Then I just really got into it, and here we are today!
5. How were you able to juggle being a full time engineer, starting a masters program as well as continuing WiresByPQ ?
I don’t know lol. Well work is work so I report to them from 7-3 p.m. And I choose to work early so I can still have some of my day to myself because I feel if you do a 9-5 the day is gone – once you factor in commuting, then you have to make dinner you’re basically tired and it’s time to go to bed. As far as my Masters program I’m taking that slow I started it back in 2015 and I have 1 year left soo when I’m in school and class I just get my work done on that day. I procrastinate a lot less. Ummmm… WiresbyPQ is honestly a stress reliever for me so that’s the easiest part I typically work on the site at night or weekends, then I make jewelry typically when I feel inspired that’s why it seems I create things slowly. And as far as pictures and things for the site and branding I just see when my friends are available so I can use them as models and I plan things around that.
So to juggle it all you have to plan things down to the hour. And set goals because I know for me that helps me keep going. For example, this summer I plan to finish my thesis, do 2 vending events, and pass the F.E. exam. I’m halfway with each one of those goals. Hope that makes sense…
6. Lastly, if you had to give advice to your younger self what would you tell her ?
Geesh… I guess I’m getting old now but: 1. Don’t grow up, you can’t afford it. Life is expensive bruh! 1a. Believe nothing 2. You can get a masters online so just do it online 3. Speak up and out- No one can read your mind. 4. Your ideals are always evolving so don’t be so invested in them 5. Always challenge yourself. 6. The shit you going through today, you will laugh at tomorrow, so don’t stress it. 7. Little boys, don’t worry about them because they are consistently dumb from puberty untilllllll who knows when lol JUST KIDDING but seriously. 8. Your husband name is Nasir Jones ( I crack myself up)…. ok i think that’s what I would say.
**shameless plug- visit