Happy Children’s Day! Harbin, China
Harbin, China- June 1, 2013
June 1st ALREADY!!! I can’t believe I have been here almost 5 months and I’m going home in a month!! ahh! lol –Today in China is Children’s Day! A celebration for Children! =) Parks, School and Centers all around the community have performances, arts and crafts, toys, & loads of snacks for them! I still had normal class schedule but during my break, I went outside to enjoy the festivities my school was putting on for the community! (Pictures & Videos attached) Children & Elders are held in high regard here. On the bus, someone will hastily stand up for an elder and a child and NEVER stand up for a woman. lol It was such a beautiful day outside today, 78 degree weather, a slight breeze, low pollen index =) ….& the rainbow school I work at is promoting a field trip we will be going on to Mongolia in July and our picture was on this huge banner outside! Felt like a celebrity! lol
