A Million & One things closer than the Grocery Store…
(Actually 25 things closer than the grocery store, but you know,)
“Its not that far” she says. “Its closer than the other one” she says. “It says 0.9 miles” she says. Well you know me, I’m always down for a little adventure, so we’re off for the hunt for the “close grocery store.” Either I don’t know what 0.9 miles feels like OR that store wasn’t 0.9 miles away. As we’re walking on one of the main streets in Buffalo I’m just observing everything around me, like why is there boats closer than the grocery store. So many irrelevant things and places were closer than the grocery store. #walking&waiting
Sonic Blinds- a blind store
Animal Hospital
2 barber shops
4 hair salons
2 motels
3 car dealerships
a gas station
Ellicott creek Trailway
Ellicott Creek
a Little kids blow-up bouncy house
A catering hall
Liquor store
A Dentist office
Frozen Yogurt
Jewelry design
Flower shop
“Just Pizza”
Rite Aid
a muffler store
those ugly groundhog things\
** There ended up being two grocery stores right next door to each other. -___-
Needless to say, we finally made it to the grocery store & back home safely…foot cramps, blisters, aching backs and all.
Moral of the story is…
Dont walk 5 miles in Flip-Flops.
But On a good note:
1. I shall have the cut-est legs by the time summer is over
2. I know I gotta get a car ASAP.
3. I see a PEDICURE in my near future