Happy Children’s Day!Happy Children’s Day! Harbin, China Harbin, China- June 1, 2013 June 1st ALREADY!!! I can’t believe I have been here almost 5 months and...
Welcome to May in Harbin!Welcome to May in Harbin! Harbin, China Harbin, China- May 17, 2013 May is my favorite month, if you can’t tell! Happy Birthday to all...
Beijing 2013!Beijing 2013! Beijing, China Beijing, China- May 2, 2013 Being in Beijing for my birthday was something I could have never imagined! It...
A day at the park…A day at the park… Harbin, China Harbin, China- April 19, 2013 Going to the park on a semi nice day outside there is always so much to...
Truly Me Time..Truly Me Time.. Harbin, China Harbin, China- April 8, 2013 Its kind of crazy growing up in such a big family. You always have someone...
Food, Food & more Food :)Food, Food & more Food 🙂 Harbin, China Harbin, China- April 3, 2013 Oh goodness! At the start of this trip I just knew I was going to...