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10 things I learned within my first year of being a parent
It’s been almost 11 months and I’ve learned so much within this first year in being a new mother… I’ve learned: That the learning curve...

Story Time Event & How to throw one in your neighborhood
This past weekend we hosted a SummerTime StoryTime Event,For the Love of Reading, with our friends and family. My son and I frequent...

5 Tips for Slaying while Mom-ing
The major transition that motherhood brings can certainly be a humbling shift toward the more positive virtues, like selflessness. Things...

2016 Reflections- Uncharted Territory
2016 has been a year full! It has been so different than any other year I have ever experienced. I was tried and tested physically and...

My Battle with Breastfeeding
We used to fight every time it was time to nurse. Baby E couldn’t latch on and would get so frustrated. If he did latch on somehow, it...

My new favorite time of day is around 4:30 a.m. The house is quiet. Baby E has just fallen back to sleep on me after nursing him and my...

I’ve never thought…
As I snuggle into my new role as a mother in this first month, and my previous life is fading to the past I started to think about the...

First Hours
On September 26th, 2016 at 10:03 p.m., we gave birth to our greatest blessing: Our Son. All 7lbs 10oz of love that was hidden inside of...

The Adventures of Mommy & Daddy
As a first time new mom, there were so many things that all the books and all the google searches couldn’t prepare me for. The pain of...
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