In AweIsn’t my job just to sit and stare. To take pictures until my icloud is too full. Isn’t my job just to marvel at God’s glory that came...
Products I LoveHere are 6 products that have made my transition a little bit easier in these first 2 months of motherhood. I am sure I will have much...
My Battle with BreastfeedingWe used to fight every time it was time to nurse. Baby E couldn’t latch on and would get so frustrated. If he did latch on somehow, it...
GratitudeMy new favorite time of day is around 4:30 a.m. The house is quiet. Baby E has just fallen back to sleep on me after nursing him and my...
I’ve never thought…As I snuggle into my new role as a mother in this first month, and my previous life is fading to the past I started to think about the...
First HoursOn September 26th, 2016 at 10:03 p.m., we gave birth to our greatest blessing: Our Son. All 7lbs 10oz of love that was hidden inside of...
The Adventures of Mommy & DaddyAs a first time new mom, there were so many things that all the books and all the google searches couldn’t prepare me for. The pain of...
Dec 24, 2007London Dec 24, 2007 London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom #Europe #london #UK #Medinah #Travel #grandma